Quero ser aluno

Fundada em 1872,  a Aberystwyth foi a  primeira universidade do País de Gales. A Aber, como é conhecida, se destaca principalmente pelos cursos de teatro, cinema e televisão, ciências biológicas, geografia e ciências da terra, história, estudos Celtas, estudos de gestão e de negócios e ciência da computação. O departamento de política internacional também é globalmente reconhecido como um dos mais antigos e melhores do mundo.


  • Opções: Inglês, International Foundation, Graduação, Mestrado e Doutorado.
  • País: País de Gales, Reino Unido
  • Cidade: Aberystwyth
  • Site: http:/www.aber.ac.uk

Diferenciais gradeUP

  • Representantes de universidades TOP 15 no UK

  • Especializados em UK Universities

  • Estudantes para gente tem nome

  • Preparação Personalizada

  • Yugo Sato

    Aberystwyth University

    BSc Biochemistry



    To be blunt, the grapeUP program was exactly what I needed to tackle the IELTS exam to fulfil my conditional offer at Aberystwyth University. I admit that at first I was slightly skeptical as to how effective the program would be, but like in any point in life, a leap of faith was required. But I’m certainly glad that I took that leap! The grapeUP program for the IELTS exam preparation was taught in a series of concise, methodological classes revolving around a simple objective; divide and conquer the sections of the exam and inform yourself about each one. Beyond a doubt, if I hadn’t understood and familiarised myself with its structure, I would’ve scored substantially lower. With gradeUP’s help, I scored much higher than what I needed, and I knew that successfully enrolling myself into the university that I wanted was one (large) step closer.

    Aside from the classes, Leo is a kind and supportive individual, and without him, I also know that I wouldn’t be where I am without his guidance. So thank you once again to Leo and the entire gradeUP team, for helping me construct my future and turning it into reality.


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